For Contractors

In order to understand and assert your rights as a contractor , make sure that you are the one. If in doubt take a quick test.

There are two main categories of contractors: independent contractors and  dependent contractors.

Let’s consider the following examples:

1. You are a chef. A banquet  hall  hires you to prepare meal for the events that are hold in the hall. You provide this service to the number of other banquet halls and businesses. These factors make you an independent contractor.

2. You  are hired to prepare meal in a banquet hall. You might even bill the hall monthly, but you are not using your kitchen equipment and you report to the supervisor of the hall. In this case you are an employee.

3. You cook using your own equipment but you do it mainly for this hall which creates  your economic dependency on this hall. Since you depend on this source of living you are a dependent contractor.